The boys in the group sitting down to work on their journals.
This summer as I was trying to decide what we were going to be doing in the Fall, Taylor told me she wanted to study the Solar System. So I started looking around. I had seen this great book at a friends house before so I went online to get a better look.
I decided to expand on what Taylor wanted. We were going to study Astronomy! Then I got this great idea. Let's invite some kids over to do the labs and projects together. It's always more fun to do that stuff in a group. Not to mention, makes me follow throw and not just "forget about it".
I posted to our favorite groups that I wanted to have a class with 10 kids. I got back double that. I had to go with the first families that replied. (It pays to watch your email like a hawk around July-Sept). We have a group of 12 kids and we LOVE IT!
We are using Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy. The writers of this curriculum are wonderful. It was just what we were looking for. It is written for the kids to read on their own. There is a Journal that goes with it. A must have. It has great questions to answer, writing opportunities, projects to do, word puzzles, and more.
Next time I will definitely look at this curriculum for our next class. You can join us if you want!

Yesterday we studied Mars. We explored the atmosphere there and ideas of what we would need to survive if we build an EcoSphere there. The kids made their own EcoSphere. They were so creative. Not only did they have a water source, but they build water purification systems. Not only did they have gardens, but they had chickens for eggs. Then someone mentioned Ostrich eggs were bigger and could feed more people so they added that. Some things they came up with were shelter for privacy, a bathroom with a purification system to reuse "all liquids" , gardens, trees for more oxygen, flowers, torches for light, and bees to polinate.

This was a simple project we did when we did the section on the Moon. We dropped "meteorites" from "space" and watched at the "craters" they made on the "moon". (pebbles in a bowl of flower).