- Elizabeth Lawrence
A week before Halloween it snowed here in Utah! Yes, the kids were so excited. Ricky can't wait to build a snow fort in the backyard. But that will be a few months away. We had the best Halloween this year. Parties everywhere and great costumes the kids were excited about. Our football teams aren't doing so well this year. But we still love them and still wear the colors proudly.
They forcasted snow the second week in October. That is early. Even here. We couldn't believe it. Yep, we woke up and we had white grass outside. It was official. Time to get out the coats, gloves, hats, boots, scarves, and sweaters in preparation for the fall/winter weather. My oldest needed everything. She went from being a tween last year to a full blown adult this year. Nothing fit. Luckily she takes care of her stuff and it was in like new condition and the next daughter inherited 2 jackets and a new ski jacket and boots. My youngest is a boy. I'm not mean enough to make him wear his sisters stuff from last year. Luckily he only needed new boots and gloves. I got them each a few sweaters/sweat shirts and we are good to go.
Halloween was a blast!!! It started Thurs. were I drove my oldest and 4 friends to a big Halloween party. They all had on great costumes. They all had a great time. Lots of stories to be told. Then Friday there was a skating party and another party that night for the other two kids. Everyones favorite game was "Darling if you love me smile".

It is so wonderful to have great kids around to associate with. Good clean fun was had by all.
Football this year has produced winning season for our favorite teams. The Broncos are just sad. We watch hoping to see Tim Tebow play. Rick will pause the game and yell for everyone to come watch because Tim Tebow is in for one play. LOL! BYU isn't that great either. But we are true fans. There through thick and thin.
It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. ~P.D. James