I thought about when I was in high school and wanted someone to put a valentine in my locker. grin. I helped my kids get their valentines ready. They happily went to our co-op and passed out their candies. A fun tradition.
My dear husband took me out the week before Valentines Day. Missed all the crowds and higher prices. We went to Outback and had a lovely dinner. We then went and walked around Pier One Imports like kids. Then saw a great movie. It was so nice to have a wonderful date with my honey! On Valentine's Day we had a family night. Cooked steaks, cuddled on the couch as a family and watched tv together and laughed, and sat in the hot tub before bed. grin
I saw so many posts about Valentines Day being "single awareness week". grin again.
I stood behind a young man in the grocery store on Valentine's Day. He had a big bunch of roses and was buying steaks. The check out lady grinned and asked him if he was cooking for his girlfriend or wife. He smiled and said "I am cooking dinner and taking flowers to an 89 year old widow down the street". My heart melted.
My son was looking at chocolate covered strawberries on a commercial while watching T.V. with his dad. They started talking about his sisters, and he got an idea stuck in his head. He was going to get them those strawberries and come to the door as their Valentine. He bugged me all day. I finally got to take him to the store. He picked through all the boxes of chocolate covered strawberries until he found the perfect ones. When dad got home he went to the door and asked for the girls. They came to the door and there stood my son with a box for each of them. They were so excited. My oldest daughter picked him up and kissed him and told him it was the best Valentine ever.
I think love starts with loving yourself first. Then you will find love all around you. The young man in the grocery store didn't feel bad he didn't have a date. He made someone else feel special. My son didn't care about the candy he didn't get from friends, he wanted to make his sisters feel special.
I was so happy to see the wonderful things going on around me this Valentines Day. I felt the love.