Life is such a big puzzle. And as an adult I am seeing for the first time just how big the puzzle is. The puzzle can have tiny pieces or gigantic ones. It really depends on how wide your perspective is.
I am now looking at life through my teenagers eyes. To them everything is major. But to me I see it really isn't. All my 11 year old can see is today. It is very hard for him to see beyond. But I can see their talents and I can see opportunities and point them in the right direction.
I have also lived in one place for a very long time growing up. I remember as a kid feeling like I was "stuck" there. The only choice in life was what was there in that one community. The only people available to make friends with were those in my area. The only school choice was the local public school. The classes they offered were it. The teachers were it. As a convert to my church, the leaders were it. What they planned and taught were it. I hated being "stuck".
As a young adult I tried many things. I wanted to "get out". So I did. It was fascinating to me. I really enjoyed meeting new people. Finding out that there was more than one way to live and do things was amazing to me. I knew it. I loved the adventure.
When I had my kids I didn't want them to feel "stuck". When we faced our first obstacle, my first instinct was to say "no way". It was when my daughter was in kindergarten.
The school administration told me they knew what was best for my child. I refused to accept that. I knew what was best for her and was motivated to find another option for education. I prayed hard for a different opportunity. At first I thought I had to move. But not so. That is when I discovered homeschooling. My husband's attitude was "we can try it. If it doesn't work we can always send her back." Well it did work. And so many other doors and opportunities opened for her and us. Also that year she was faced with being "stuck" with the same friends. When we brought her home she met new people. Kids who had families that had values became her new friends. We met a great Methodist family who became our best friends. We had the opportunity to teach them what "Mormons" really believe. Their dad was a minister and had a different perspective about our church now. He stopped the anti-Mormon rhetoric around him. He even took an Easter CD we gave him and told us that our church WAS a christian church after all.
When we moved from Florida I thought it might be hard to homeschool somewhere else. But in Colorado we had more opportunities. They had a state homeschool program called K12. We signed up. It didn't require jumping through any hoops with the state. I felt we could do that until we found our footing and discovered "how it is done" there. Through K12 we found a local coop. We started going there. We made friends quickly and enjoyed the classes. We also were able to leave a good impression with the families there. Again we had missionary opportunities. Now conversions, but we were able to change the way other denominations looked at us "Mormons". We were able to convince them that we are Christians. We were able to stop locals from "hating" our religion and the people who are members. We showed them we aren't teaching false doctrine that is against the bible. On the contrary, we embrace those teachings and have another testament of Jesus Christ we teach from as well.
We also found out that homeschoolers could take classes from the local school. My kids loved going to classes twice a week for a few hours. Shelby was placed a grade ahead and did very well. Her confidence in education and her ability to learn really soared. Again my circle opened. Now I found out there was even more for my kids out there.
I was really nervous to be moving again. This time to Utah. But little did I know the opportunities that waiting for us there. So many coops. So many classes. So many places to visit on field trips. So many friends. No friends in our neighborhood. But we weren't "stuck" there. Our best friends were but a short drive away. Park days were where I learned about all the opportunities around us. Long story short..My oldest was able to be one of the first students to participate in an online high school that gave her the experience to become a great leader. My youngest kids have taken classes parents only dream about.
Now as my husband is looking for another job it is easy for me to look outside and feel confident in what lies ahead for us. I know to look for other opportunities. My family isn't "stuck".
Heavenly Father knew what we needed. I just needed to be patient and learn. I know that our family has great adventures ahead of us. We can do anything.