We made it to Florida. It was a fun trip with Taylor across the country. For my first time driving that distance, I was a bit nervous. Thank goodness for modern technology. The GPS gets me everywhere.
I got here in time to register Shelby for classes at the local High School. We were careful in picking the location we rented in. Florida ranks their school A,B,C,D, and F. We were told to stay out of Duval county, and we did. We moved to an area where the schools are ranked A.
I was nervous going to the high school. I was ready for them to give us a hard time. But they were very nice. The counselor went out of his way to help Shelby out. She was able to register for
1. Drama I
2. childhood Development (college credit)
3. Trigonomitry/analytical Geometry
4. Honors Chemistry
5. AP English
6. Spanish I
Because I am unfamiliar with Florida and what is available here for homeschoolers I got Taylor and Ricky registered for Connections Academy. It is an online school here. K12 (curriculum we have used before) requires that you have attended Florida public school prior to enrollment. I was happy to find out Connections Academy doesn't have that requirement for 6-12 grade.
Ricky has already started football practice and is doing great. He really likes his coach. He is a really fair man. Yells at everyone equally. wink.
Shelby has also started cheerleading and is on a level 4 team. She landed her tuck on her own with out a spotter the other night. So proud.
Taylor will be swimming with Bowles swim team. They sent 4 swimmers to Shanghai this year to compete in the World Games. She starts today.
We will be going to our first Homeschool activity this Thursday. We look forward to meeting new friends.
Unpacking will take some time. We are going to a house that is 1/3 the size of our old house. Finding places to put things will be tricky.
We look forward to the new adventures.