Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. I love the excitement in the air. I love the music. I love hiding presents. (Although everyone in the house knows where I hide stuff). This year I took the girls shopping with me. It was so nice to see them so interested in finding gifts for each other. Taylor had a gift in mind for me but didn't have enough money. Well dear Shelby didn't want her to not be able to get it so she gave her some of her babysitting money to buy it. When I found out I almost cried. Love.
Rick got a kit for the kids to make a ginger bread house this year. Ricky and Taylor decided they were going to do it all on their own. It turned out awesome. Ricky also got to make one at scouts so he figured he knew what he was doing.

It snowed just after Thanksgiving and the kids couldn't wait to go out and play. Snow angels and forts are their favorite things to make. The snow didn't last long though. And we weren't lucky enough to have fresh snow for Christmas. Last year we had over a foot.

Christmas Eve came and the kids asked all day if they could open a present. Grandma Susie usually calls to tell us to let them open one of her presents. But this year they had to wait until after dinner. We opened presents from my side of the family and from each other on Christmas Eve this year.

We played our new favorite game "Qwirkle". Rick asks everyday if we can play. I have to admit it is a lot of fun.

We also played new games we got. Shelby and Taylor got dad Mario Kart for Wii.

There is always one person who seems to get all the presents they were hoping for. We say "it's so and so's year". We this year it was Rick's year! (it is always the kids year). We said we weren't getting each other big presents this year. We put a porch on the house and got new cell phones. Well I knew he wanted a new leather jacket, sooo...

He got me a very nice pair of earrings.

Christmas morning came and everyone wanted to see what 'Santa' had left them.

We had so much fun together just us this year. We played games together, watched movies, laughed and hugged. Rick played a joke on Ricky and kept his Santa present in the garage. After the girls opened their gift, we waited to see what Ricky's expressions would be with no gift for him. He was so wonderful. He didn't say a thing, and was excited for Taylor to finally get the phone she had been asking for. Rick then asked Ricky to help him get something in the garage, and took him out to see his gift. He was pleasantly surprised to see a Trampoline.

Christmas morning we had the kids pack up their favorite toys and we headed over to Rick's parents house for the day. Al had made a big breakfast, and we watched a movie and played games. Around 2 the other family members started showing up and we had dinner with everyone.

Thanks to everyone who gave us treats and sent us their family Christmas Cards. You helped make us feel special and loved this Christmas Season!
What fun to look at all those pictures! You guys looked like you had a great time! Loved it all! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love your holiday spirit! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas!