I have heard from both home schoolers and public schooled families so many stereotypes about each other. The education, socialization, manors, etc. I have seen ugly on both sides of the fence.
We know public schooled families with illiteracy issues, who are socially disfunctional, and have manors of the Tasmanian devil. Likewise we know families who have had a lot of success in the public school environment, with kids very pleasant to be around, and who make great friends.
Home schooled families have learners at very different levels. Some are very advanced and are graduating at 16 with Associate Degrees. Some are struggling with learning road blocks like dyslexia and have problems reading and writing. Some families focus on other learning areas while the kids are elementary age. So using a measuring stick doesn't really show how much they are learning. Some home schooled kids are the best people around. Others I'd rather keep at arms length.
We have been to both social gatherings. Both groups have issues to deal with. Both can have rude kids. Both have kids who don't know how to act around others, and who are shy or don't relate to kids their own age. We have been to church events where everyone but us is in public school and have been treated terribly. Teasing, name calling, disrespect for leaders, etc. We have also been to home school events where there has been bullying and name calling as well.
To say that either is perfect would be incorrect and arrogant. It isn't a contest where I say my choice is better than yours. For our family it is better for us to home school our children right now. But I certainly would not ever want your choice to send your children away for school to be taken away from you. Nor would the decision of whether or not my children be friends with your children be based on where they receive their education or their religion for that matter. In return I'd like to see you respect our decision and not judge or stereotype us or fight our choices in legislature.
The real issue is CHOICE. Everyone wants it. Parents are ultimately responsible for the upbringing of their children. Period. Parents choose how life will be for their own children. And it should always be that way. Likewise, parents should be held accountable for their childrens outcome. Bullies and social misfits usually have those same issues at home. Where they are schooled won't change that.
Education needs to evolve. We need to be open to other options. The world is changing. Technology allows for easy access to wonderful things. Transportation allows for easy travel to visit places and people.
I wish you luck on your journey.
thank you for this post. i used to actually cry (sob) because i felt that i was a fence sitter. i have done both and i didn't (and still don't) know many moms that are happy with both options. even if i meet someone who personally does not public school their kids...if they can just let me do my thing and not give me a weird look or make some silly comment...that would be nice. i hesitate to tell anyone that i had my babies at home too. i should be able to share my excitement over all of that stuff. i LOVE the charter school my kids are in right now. i LOVED having my babies at home. i LOVED the time i spent trying different diets such as vegan and vegetarian. i love trying new things and seeing what works best. and things change too....i may homeschool again. i may not. i just love to talk and know people who are open to everything and have all kinds of friends! i love that about you! i love that you aren't afraid to just SAY WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. period. someone's gotta do it.