She missed her lighter hair and the sun that kept it that way. So she saved up her money and got highlights in her hair.
Things started looking brighter through Shelby's eyes. She started feeling "normal" again. Moving a pre-teen across the country to a new culture and hoping they cope and figure it all out on their own is crazy. I'm an adult and haven't found a way to cope yet. Mommy! I'm so thankful for the ability to find her "thing" that helped her cope.
Now for the big event. She wanted to be in a Pageant. Well, we just happened to know the Director of the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant and she told us how to get involved. It has been so much fun preparing. You know you have a great kid. And then you start filling out paperwork and putting down all of their accomplishments, and they see how amazing all their work is...Priceless! In the past few months she has said more than a few times.."I rock"! We just had her photos taken and now she is saying "I'm beautiful"! We knew this already of course. But the world around her was telling her different. She needed to see herself again.

Post a comment and support Shelby. Let her know how great a person you think she is!
ReplyDeleteI hope you see your self as I do, a wonderful beautiful daughter who is now well on her way to womanhood. I am super impressed at how strong your testimony is. You trulyare gorgeous!
Shelby, I had so much fun taking pictures of you. You are so photogenic and really showed who you were when you started having fun. Being a teenager sucks most the time, but somehow when you are older you look back and think 'wow, those were the days' Don't let what other people day get under your skin, just be who you are if you accept yourself for who you are then others will accept you and those that don't don't matter.
ReplyDeleteyour pictures show me an extremely beautiful girl. but more than that i see a confident, strong, loved young woman. she is loved so deeply that she can't hold that love just inside. it comes shining out through her countenance. her eyes especially. to move across country at this age is one of the hardest things you may ever do. but i will say what i said to my daughter just after we moved here: you will FOREVER have compassion and understanding for those who are lonely or homesick. you will FOREVER have the ability to change someone's life. for real. these are forever gifts. and sometimes it is painful to receive such a huge gift. sometimes. but in the end, the joy far outshines the pain. shelby, you are better than you were before this trial. what a blessing it is for me to know your mom. what a blessing it is for me to know YOU. you inspire me.