This Thanksgiving was the best one yet. We all had such a great time. It started out with me getting up to go to Kmart and start some Christmas shopping! (yes I'm one of those people). I got some great deals and felt very happy. Went home and we all got dressed and went to the In Laws for breakfast.
Taylor looked forward to going to grandpa's and cooking with him. She has fond memories of last year stuffing the bird with him. Ricky got to play with some of his friends in grandma's neighborhood, and Shelby got to look through the ads with mom.
Dinner was wonderful. We all ate to much. We always go around the table and say what we are thankful for.
After dinner Aunt Cheryl asked what stores were open. (my kind of woman) So me, Cheryl, Joanne, and Clarrissa took off for Walmart! I was able to find a few more deals! (they were on my list ya know).
Then there was Black Friday! ....wait for it...I was able to get a big ticket item! Yes, I am so lucky. Half off! I'd tell you what it was but run the risk of that someone it is for reading and knowing what they are getting. LOL Shelby went with me, and Ricky and Taylor went with Rick. We had to split up to maximize our efforts in getting all the deals we wanted. LOL.
I am so thankful for all our blessings. Heavenly Father has looked after us and given us what we have needed and much more. He continues to place many opportunities in our path to make our lives richer.
Thank you for being a part of our journey here on earth!
Okay, you have me curious! You'll have to remember to tell us about your half off bargain after the holidays. I love a good bargain! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!