Ricky woke up Dec. 26 and declared it the best day of the year. I asked him why. He said "because you get to play with all your new stuff all day long!" So true, young man.
We spent the day in front of the TV playing the new Wii Santa brought the family, riding the new electric scooter, Ripstick, and Heely's Grandma Susie got us (in the basement of course), and eating the left overs, and the treats all the neighbors brought us. It was Heaven! We also did a little bit of sledding.

I have to tell about Santa's visit. The kids had been fighting all week long. No school, lots of snow outside, and no where to go, they got very restless. I kept saying "Santa isn't going to come if you don't find a way to get along." Well, Santa left them each a bag of coal, and one family gift..the Wii. (I wrapped their Santa gifts and they were from mom and dad this year) Ricky was such a big boy. He was excited when a minute later Taylor saw the Wii behind the Christmas tree. But after the excitement he came and sat on my lap and sobbed a little bit. I asked him what was up. He said he didn't want Santa to think he was a bad boy. (What a sweet boy) He was alright about not getting anything. He was upset that someone important thought he was a bad boy.

We have an elf named Melanie who comes to our house every year. She plays pranks and eats our treats, etc. She left the kids a note saying that she put in a good word to Santa about how good they were to each other Christmas Eve (they were sharing, and hugging, and excited for the other person when they got a neat gift, etc). That is why Santa left us the family present. The kids showed that they had a little bit of good in them.
Those are great action shots of your kids sledding! We haven't taken advantage of sledding yet because we've had sickness going around. We would love to join you! I'm crossing my fingers that next week everyone is well.