Argh! Most of you probably love to have school start again. Not me. I hate the week we go back. It is hard for everyone. I hate getting up and being organized and prepared, and the kids hate having to think again.
I am taking deep breaths, going to my room for a time out, and occasionally venting my frustrations to my poor husband. He patiently sat and listened and gave me a hug and after I had calmed down, he sent me back on my way.
I think we all need to go to the neighborhood sledding spot and have a good run at that! (After school of course) :)
Hats off to all of you who are enjoying the beginning of a new semester!
I remember in public school, it took a while for students to get back into the routine after break. Transitions are tough. We seem to still be 'transitioning' at our house. Our routine has been interrupted by some late nights and sickness. Don't you love having a husband for a sounding board? I think I kept Jeff up way too late last night!